1) yum remove biosdevname 2) add net.ifnames=0 to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX in /etc/default/grub 3) grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg 4) rename /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-whatever to ifcfg-eth0 5) change to NAME=eth0 inside ifcfg-eth0 Thanks to Jann5s
Using SSH tunnel to connect VNC server securely
VNC communication is insecure by default. So it is better not open VNC ports directly to internet. Here is a way to put the VNC service behind an SSH tunnel. 1. Suppose you have your VNC service started on a server with terminal number 7. If you open port 5907 to the world, you will […]
Force hard reboot without physically accessing the computer
Sometimes a zombie process might prevent “reboot” “shutdown -r now” from working properly since such soft reboot methods will try to close the zombie processes “normally” and stall on permanent waiting. In this case, instead of approaching the computer and press the power button, there is a way to do so remotely if you still […]
Running Mathematica through cygwin
Mathematica will crash cygwin/X, if certain fonts were not properly installed. Wolfram released a font package that could help this issue out. Here is the download. $ wget http://support.wolfram.com/technotes/MathematicaV7FontsLinux.tar.gz Once you get this file, you may $ tar xvfz MathematicaV7FontsLinux.tar.gz to extract the font files, then $ rsync -av Fonts/ /usr/share/fonts/ to install them. After […]
Using ssh tunnel to port NFS through firewall and private network
network structure: machine1 >> firewall >>>- Internet -> machine2 nfs_server Step 1: on nfs_server, add line in /etc/exports: nfs_dir,async,insecur) Also, add line in /etc/sysconfig/nfs MOUNTD_PORT <port_number3 The port_number3 is a large number, for example, 32334, Then do "service nfs restart" This allows the nfs mount point is accessible from the box itself; Step 2: […]
Samba “Strict locking” prevented file to be modified
From certain number of linux SAMBA and higher, “strict locking =1” is the default. When such SAMBA share is mapped on older versions of windows, the files would be not able to be modified – you can create new file, modify it. However, when you try to save, it will return “The process cannot access […]
An exactly one million digits prime number
464253*2^3321908-1 makes top 5000 list with entrance rank 63, see http://primes.utm.edu/primes/page.php?id=111603
cmake cannot find libGL.so after installing NVidia driver
The link in /usr/lib64/libGL.so was not updated to the NVidia version. Just remove the broken link and ln -s /usr/lib64/libGL.so.VER.VER /usr/lib64/libGL.so, where VER.VER is the NVidia driver version. For other missing libs that targeting a broken link, same strategy can be applied.
Redhat: need to know which package to install?
yum whatprovides ‘*/’
Firefox: Flash installed but does not show up
For some strange reason the flash folder in C:\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed was locked by explorer.exe. Once the Adobe Flash Player is installed in this folder, the locking prevented it from being copied into both Firefox’s plug in folder in C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\plugins and Iexplore’s plugin folder in C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\PLUGINS, such that from the plugin point of […]