Month: May 2012
watch what is slowing down your linux
ps aux | awk ‘\$8 ~ /D/ { print \$0 }’ watch -n 1 “(ps aux | awk ‘\$8 ~ /D/ { print \$0 }’)”
Simple guide for executable chroot jail
1. Install Jailkit, CentOS rpm available in rpmforge repo. 2. mkdir -p # to define your jail root 3. jk_init -v -j ssh # to allow ssh in your jail 4. jk_jailuser -j # to move the user into the jail 5. Edit /etc/jailkit/jk_init.ini and /etc/jailkit/jk_socketd.ini # to match your system 6. jk_cp -v -f […]
A painful lesson of a linux quibble
It has been longly debated that there is not a liable way to do undelete on linux file system. Only for this, extundelete has provided a workaround. However, mainly the need of undelete comes from the over-powerful command “rm”. Suppose any user committed “rm -rf /*” or “cd /; rm -rf *”, the command will […]
[Samba] how to list computers that are joined to the domain?
This will get you workstation a domain trust accounts: pdbedit -L -w | grep ‘\[[WI]’