Month: April 2019
Ganglia under php7
Ganglia web interface cannot display charts in CentOS7, if php is updated to version 7. This is because /usr/share/ganglia/cluster_view.php in line 34, $context_metrics[] was originally initialized as “”, in line 26. If changing line 26 to $context_metrics = []; The problem is fixed.
ssh login slow, stuck on “pledge: exec” if -v
ssh to a linux box slow after keyed in password, taking 10+ seconds. If using ssh -v, found all the waiting spend on debug info: debug1: pledge: exec This usually happen when something stuck on the systemd-logind service. Restart this service by running systemctl restart systemd-logind usually resolves this without rebooting the box.
When systemctl cannot start/stop services
This happens when systemd attemps to reload some previously saved state but was not able to. By “kill -1 1” to let it reload itself, systemctl works again without rebooting.