Replacing linux system drive over EFI boot while expanding partitions

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If only to replace a system drive, doing a dd of old drive to new drive will work.

However, in most of cases the driving force of replacing drives is that the drive size is not big enough to host increasing size of system files.

In this case, only doing dd will screw you up in the same partition sizes.

There is a workaround, that you can do dd of the boot sector as well as the first partition, then use gparted to expand the first partition to the desired size. Then create a second partition, using dd to sync the second, then expand it to desired size, then the third, until it is done.

In this process, the new partitions of the second and beyond will carry a different UUID, which will prevent you from booting into the new drive properly.

You can either boot into a live CD/USB drive to change the UUIDs to the same with your old drive, or edit the /etc/fstab and /boot/grub2/grub.cfg to replace the corresonding UUID of each mount.

This method is tested working.

Stop tcsh log in script from interrupting scp

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Posted in categories: Computer Tips, Work related

If you are using tcsh shell, and your login script has screen output like an echo line, scp will be interrupted.

To prevent this, knowing that for an interactive ssh session, it will open a tty, but embedded session like scp will not generate a tty.

Thus this can be distinguished by checking if the variable $SSH_TTY is defined. For example, you can put this in your ~/.cshrc

if ($?SSH_TTY) then
(do your login environment settings here)
set sh = /bin/bash
set cmdline = “tr '\0\n' '\n\1' </proc/$$/cmdline
if ($#cmdline > 2) then
exec $sh -c ‘exec “$0” -c “$(printf %s “$1” | tr “\1” “\n”)”‘ $sh $cmdline[3]:q

This, will launch a log in script free session for embedded sessions like scp.

rsync no mounts and ssh no profile

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Posted in categories: Computer Tips, Work related

rsync -ax

ssh -t user@host –noprofile

E-Prime 3 presentation can only run on CPU 0

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Posted in categories: Computer Tips, Work related

E-Prime 3 got a new issue with recent Windows 10 update. The presentation nearly always stuck at the end of the first item. Diagnose showed that only when E-Prime/E-Run was running on CPU 0, it can finish properly. To enforce this, a shortcut is created for each E-Run file with the target as

C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /c start “” /Normal /Affinity 0x1 “C:\Program Files (x86)\PST\E-Prime 3.0\Program\E-Run.exe” “C:\Location of\Your E-Run file.ebs3”

This forces the E-Run to run only on CPU 0.

Another issue: E-Prime 3 can only drive monitors up to 1920×1200 resolution. When your monitor’s native resolution is higher than this, you will have to set your monitor’s resolution lower than this to make E-Prime presentations run. However, if you set the screen resolution too low, some monitors struggle on amplifying the small resolution video signal back to its native resolution. This sometimes cause the screen flickering. To prevent this, the best way is to set the screen resolution as well as the E-Prime display resolution to exactly 1/2 or close to the top resolution E-Prime allows.

Mellanox MSN2100 Switch fan tolerance

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Posted in categories: Computer Tips, Work related

My Mellanox MSN2100 switch constantly has the “system status” LED on red since purchase.

By looking into its system status:

show system-health detail

System status summary

System status LED red
Status: OK
Status: Not OK
Reasons: Failed to get speed tolerance for fan4
Failed to get speed tolerance for fan3
Failed to get speed tolerance for fan2
Failed to get speed tolerance for fan1

System services and devices monitor list

Name Status Type
——————— ——– ———-
sonic OK System
rsyslog OK Process
root-overlay OK Filesystem
var-log OK Filesystem
routeCheck OK Program
dualtorNeighborCheck OK Program
diskCheck OK Program
container_checker OK Program
vnetRouteCheck OK Program
memory_check OK Program
container_memory_snmp OK Program
container_memory_gnmi OK Program
container_eventd OK Program
database:redis OK Process
syncd:syncd OK Process
bgp:zebra OK Process
bgp:staticd OK Process
bgp:bgpd OK Process
bgp:fpmsyncd OK Process
bgp:bgpcfgd OK Process
teamd:teammgrd OK Process
teamd:teamsyncd OK Process
teamd:tlm_teamd OK Process
swss:orchagent OK Process
swss:portsyncd OK Process
swss:neighsyncd OK Process

swss:fdbsyncd OK Process
swss:vlanmgrd OK Process
swss:intfmgrd OK Process
swss:portmgrd OK Process
swss:buffermgrd OK Process
swss:vrfmgrd OK Process
swss:nbrmgrd OK Process
swss:vxlanmgrd OK Process
swss:coppmgrd OK Process
swss:tunnelmgrd OK Process
eventd:eventd OK Process
snmp:snmpd OK Process
snmp:snmp-subagent OK Process
lldp:lldpd OK Process
lldp:lldp-syncd OK Process
lldp:lldpmgrd OK Process
gnmi:gnmi-native OK Process
fan1 Not OK Fan
fan2 Not OK Fan
fan3 Not OK Fan
fan4 Not OK Fan

System services and devices ignore list

Name Status Type
————— ——– ——
psu.voltage Ignored Device
psu.temperature Ignored Device

It shows that it cannot obtain fan tolerance data from the database.

Researching the system files, it is found in file /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/sonic_platform/, the fan tolerance is hard set to 50%. And this is not passed to /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/health_checker/ via function data_dict.get(‘speed_tolerance’, None)

There is a simple fix of this: comment out the line #105 of the , replace it a hard setting

speed_tolerance = 50

And the system status LED turns green.

Using SONiC to run MSN2100 switch

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Posted in categories: Computer Tips, Work related

The Mellanox/NVidia MSN2100 switch came with a bare ONIE system and is not Plug and Play. NVidia service can not provide setting up assistance without a ONYX//Cumulus/SONiC entitlement. I installed the community version of SONiC from for sonic-mellanox.bin.

After the installation, the switch is automatically configured with all 16 ports as routers with a preset IP from to This rendered the switch useless since no two ports can talk with each other.

The following steps resolved the issue and made it a normal dummy switch:

Once log in the management interface:

Step 1: sudo bash # to bring a root interface;

Step 2: config vlan add 100 # This create a vlan;

Step 3: config interface ip remove Ethernet0 # do this to all 16 interfaces to remove their router status;

Step 4: config vlan member add 100 -u Ethernet0 # do this to all 16 interfaces to group all ports to a vlan;

Step 5: config clock timezone America/New_York # set time zone of the switch;

Step 6: config clock YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS # set time;

Step 7: cp /etc/sonic/config_db.json ~/ # make a backup of the initial configuration;

Step 8: config save -y # save current configuration;

Step 9: reboot

Then you will get a working switch.

Certainly, do not forget to reset the management password and management port (eth0) ip.


6020095 · 2^6972593 – 1 is prime

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Posted in categories: Uncategorized

It has 2098967 decimal digits. See

record page here.

3^1681130 + 3^445781 + 1 is prime.

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Posted in categories: Fun Stuffs, Prime Search

Proof file:

HERE Record page here.

3^1681130+3^445781+1 has 802,104 digits

factor of p-1:

3^1681130+3^445781 = 3^445781*(3^1235349+1)

for 3^1235349+1:

Divisor of 1235349: {1, 3, 9, 317, 433, 951, 1299, 2853, 3897, 137261, 411783, 1235349}

for which Cyclotomic[2x,3] divides 3^1235349+1, 3^1235349+1=Product of Phi[2m,3], m is in the above divisor list.

Phi: Cyclotomic function in Mathematica.

Phi[2,3] = 4 = 2^2

Phi[6,3] = 7

Phi[18,3] = 703 = 19*37

Phi[634,3] = 4419546979734297356356282440566337101076156046659615868982274149497888767412192670918210853094818317044028461371947192040491503227984348283966155849541 = 76824655095930309016347566008213507 *

Phi[866,3] = 98049030167138868235272337490364772443278341679136020523778017973332584069900487425071613559614188734321215787769494533118401761096043098454024530209394531738061292786842020371958081509924820005117783644881 = 5197 * 25981 * 10986786121 * 2545641110123181683038777028652229 * 4078872265954752990198205964113561121059 * 48719802170502964448205757292294067215837963275487416471 * 130653562236213178463808841348368553389712956028240802263033

Phi[1902,3] = 454579 * 36324397 * 4242031875148351 * 110636908354198084399 * 549512115983126575855924649876601277813687417 * cp_1681130_+3_445781_c1_+1_P1902_c209[ecm50]

Phi[2598,3] = 49363 * 69183924850105534244247847 * 590120330956087803199 * 24518336107758964004567688595327267 * 72294725439409852600619119163684989 *

Phi[5706,3] = 958609 * 1061317 * 105429763 * 65641802577791850271 * 466581320825998331248111 * 161770166547973894056628560367 * 4121313630402929050856881 * 35041165225208415265755372540106879 * 145166850946125723698625301282936985977 *

Phi[7794,3] = 2369645352847 * 18271583019418565050835779232047 *

Phi[274522,3] = cp_1681130_+3_445781_c1_+1_P274522_c65133[ecm30 – done 20220828]
Phi[823566,3] = 48031581409153 * cp_1681130_+3_445781_c1_+1_P823566_c130252[ecm20]

Phi[2470698,3] = 59296753 * 2841667923519757 * cp_1681130_+3_445781_c1_+1_P2470698_c390774[ecmpm]

Factors of p-1:


Factors of p-1: [2^23^445781*7*19*37*5197*25981*49363*454579*958609*1061317*36324397*59296753*105429763*10986786121*2369645352847*48031581409153*2841667923519757*4242031875148351*65641802577791850271*110636908354198084399*590120330956087803199*466581320825998331248111*4121313630402929050856881*69183924850105534244247847*161770166547973894056628560367*18271583019418565050835779232047*2545641110123181683038777028652229*24518336107758964004567688595327267*35041165225208415265755372540106879*72294725439409852600619119163684989*76824655095930309016347566008213507*145166850946125723698625301282936985977*4078872265954752990198205964113561121059*549512115983126575855924649876601277813687417*48719802170502964448205757292294067215837963275487416471*130653562236213178463808841348368553389712956028240802263033*57527716515168805301518081894378217354338616431161859310399702927298973147371258119477233264821539853770687247299863]

$ ./pfgw -tc -k -h”cp_1681130_+3_445781_c1_+1.helper” cp_1681130_+3_445781_c1_+1
Primality testing 3^1681130+3^445781+1 [N-1/N+1, Brillhart-Lehmer-Selfridge]
Reading factors from helper file cp_1681130_+3_445781_c1_+1.helper
Running N-1 test using base 2
Running N+1 test using discriminant 5, base 5+sqrt(5)
3^1681130+3^445781+1 is Fermat and Lucas PRP! (72918.0430s+0.0527s)

$ gp
Reading GPRC: /etc/gprc …Done.

                                                                                      GP/PARI CALCULATOR Version 2.11.3 (released)
                                                                              amd64 running linux (x86-64/GMP-6.1.2 kernel) 64-bit version
                                                                        compiled: Apr  6 2020, gcc version 8.3.1 20190507 (Red Hat 8.3.1-4) (GCC)
                                                                                                threading engine: single
                                                                                     (readline v7.0 enabled, extended help enabled)

                                                                                         Copyright (C) 2000-2018 The PARI Group

PARI/GP is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and comes WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY WHATSOEVER.

Type ? for help, \q to quit.
Type ?17 for how to get moral (and possibly technical) support.

parisize = 8000000, primelimit = 500000
? \r CHG.GP
*** Warning: new stack size = 17179869184 (16384.000 Mbytes).
realprecision = 350003 significant digits (350000 digits displayed)

Welcome to the CHG primality prover!

Input file is:
Certificate file is: cp_1681130_+3_445781_c1_+1.out
Found values of n, F and G.
Number to be tested has 802103 digits.
Modulus has 213408 digits.
Modulus is 26.605944113118165830% of n.

NOTICE: This program assumes that n has passed
a BLS PRP-test with n, F, and G as given. If
not, then any results will be invalid!

Square test passed for F >> G. Using modified right endpoint.

Search for factors congruent to 1.
Running CHG with h = 16, u = 7. Right endpoint has 161883 digits.
Done! Time elapsed: 810732137ms.
Running CHG with h = 16, u = 7. Right endpoint has 155873 digits.
Done! Time elapsed: 825907227ms.
Running CHG with h = 15, u = 6. Right endpoint has 149984 digits.
Done! Time elapsed: 367063741ms.
Running CHG with h = 15, u = 6. Right endpoint has 141864 digits.
Done! Time elapsed: 403218994ms.
Running CHG with h = 13, u = 5. Right endpoint has 135499 digits.
Done! Time elapsed: 167649019ms.
Running CHG with h = 13, u = 5. Right endpoint has 126589 digits.
Done! Time elapsed: 166344631ms.
Running CHG with h = 11, u = 4. Right endpoint has 115818 digits.
Done! Time elapsed: 62966916ms.
Running CHG with h = 9, u = 3. Right endpoint has 102257 digits.
Done! Time elapsed: 21474045ms.
Running CHG with h = 9, u = 3. Right endpoint has 86036 digits.
Done! Time elapsed: 18674057ms.
Running CHG with h = 7, u = 2. Right endpoint has 57119 digits.
Done! Time elapsed: 4457878ms.
A certificate has been saved to the file: cp_1681130_+3_445781_c1_+1.out

Running David Broadhurst’s verifier on the saved certificate…

Testing a PRP called “”.

Pol[1, 1] with [h, u]=[7, 2] has ratio=3.292364120998444652 E-98758 at X, ratio=3.718585580771175970 E-194048 at Y, witness=2.
Pol[2, 1] with [h, u]=[9, 3] has ratio=6.126565950304076461 E-9475 at X, ratio=1.1209288730275909543 E-86752 at Y, witness=2.
Pol[3, 1] with [h, u]=[9, 3] has ratio=4.686378714776338379 E-48664 at X, ratio=4.686378714776338379 E-48664 at Y, witness=2.
Pol[4, 1] with [h, u]=[11, 4] has ratio=1.1328882856917741933 E-83833 at X, ratio=4.446338007106078208 E-54243 at Y, witness=2.
Pol[5, 1] with [h, u]=[10, 5] has ratio=1.3491587713343525002 E-21542 at X, ratio=2.1142563956459774573 E-53855 at Y, witness=2.
Pol[6, 1] with [h, u]=[10, 5] has ratio=2.1142563956459774573 E-53855 at X, ratio=7.365995469140945291 E-44554 at Y, witness=2.
Pol[7, 1] with [h, u]=[15, 6] has ratio=2.101399014710577216 E-89107 at X, ratio=2.654191320795251087 E-38189 at Y, witness=2.
Pol[8, 1] with [h, u]=[13, 6] has ratio=3.530699982729085833 E-8120 at X, ratio=1.9371573230603122010 E-48717 at Y, witness=2.
Pol[9, 1] with [h, u]=[16, 7] has ratio=5.410890206996781797 E-22058 at X, ratio=1.0071182035514125678 E-41222 at Y, witness=2.
Pol[10, 1] with [h, u]=[16, 7] has ratio=5.814090534021862076 E-14617 at X, ratio=8.275867222128713413 E-42071 at Y, witness=2.

Validated in 116 sec.

Congratulations! n is prime!

NFS_v4 stall, how to rescure without reboot

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Posted in categories: Computer Tips, Work related

Sometimes your NFS mount stopped response. You cannot umount normally, if you use umount -l to unmount it, you cannot mount it again, Mounting attempt stalls too. The suggestion on the interenet was to just reboot the client. But you may have important jobs or services on it and you really do not want to.

Here is a rescue:

After you unmounted the volume using umount -l, edit your /etc/fstab file, add vers=3 in front of the “defaults,_netdev” or whatever nfs mounting option column of the stalled volume, save it. Then you try mounting it again, and it is mounted.

This is not the end of story. There are some important new features from NFS_v4 that you do not want to permanently backup to NFS_v3. And someday the vers=3 mount may stall again.

Do not worry. Actually as long as the nfs server is still working, the calls that caused nfs stall will resolve or time out slowly. Wait a day or two, then you go back to the nfs client node, umount the volume mounted with vers=3. If it is in use, use umount -l to unmount it. Then you go editing the /etc/fstab file again, remove the vers=3 instruction, save it. Then you go back to your prompt and mount the volume again. As long as all pending calls that caused the original nfs stall are resolved, you will be able to mount the volume by default version, NFS_v4, again.

This process can be repeated is similar issue happens again, and you are free of being forced to reboot the nfs client box.

dnf install/update fail with error rpmdbNextIterator skipping Header V3 RSA/SHA1 Signature BAD

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Posted in categories: Computer Tips, Work related

Sometimes when an dnf update was unexpectedly terminated like a power failure, the system may leave an inconsistent rpm database. If this happens, in most case by rebuilding rpm database (rpmdb –rebuilddb), and to use (package-cleanup –cleandupes), it could be fixed.

For some severe case, after both, when you are trying to run (dnf update –allowerasing), it still shows this kind of errors:

Running transaction check
error: rpmdbNextIterator: skipping h# ***
Header V3 RSA/SHA1 Signature, key ID ********: BAD
Header SHA256 digest: OK
Header SHA1 digest: OK

And the install/update cannot go through.

If you use (rpm -qa | grep <affected-package>), it shows that the package is not installed. Reinstalling the package using (rpm -Uvh <downloaded package name>) does not help.

This means that a package was erased in the interrupted dnf install/update but the record was not removed from the rpm database. You will need to do

rpm -e –justdb –noscripts –nosignature <package name>

to remove it.

However, sometimes the blocking package name cannot be found in the rpm database.

Here is a clue: when you are doing dnf install, it spits off errors like

Error: transaction check vs depsolve: is needed by <package name>

This shows what lib file is missing.

You can go to internet to google the rpm package of the to find which package for your linux distro provides the missing lib file. Then run the

rpm -e –justdb –noscripts –nosignature <package name>

to remove the missing package.

After this, the dnf should function properly thereafter.