Window 11 cannot install Asian Keyboard

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Posted in categories: Computer Tips, Work related

It happened to me that when I attempt to install Chinese/Japan/Korean input method to my windows 11 box, it fails on installing the “Basic Typing” after attempted to download for about 30 seconds with error

“Sorry, we’re having trouble installing this feature. You can try again later. Error code 0x0”.

And all other components like Handwriting, Text-to-speech, Speech recognition also fail. And the installed Asian keyboard does not work showing the feature is not ready.

I tried the tricks in this: [] but none of them works.

The workaround I found is to download



and extract the corresponding language pack .cab files like

and install them one by one in PowerShell with Admin privilege like:

Add-WindowsPackage -Online -PackagePath “.\”

After all of these, the “Basic typing” is still not available but the input method works.

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