Any prime number is the average of at least one pairs of inequal prime numbers

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According to Goldbach’s conjecture, any 2*p = p + p fulfills it. This can be a little stronger, to make 2*p=p1+p2, p1 <> p2, it still stands.

For example:


The full list up to:


is downloadable as GoldbachAverage_typed_ranks.primes.tgz (caution, large file).

It is straight forward that only when k=6i, it is possible both p+k and p-k are both prime.

Assuming for prime p, both p+6i and p-6i are prime, the first occurance of i forms the integer sequence A139602, named:

“a(n) is the smallest prime p that makes the pair p+/-6n both primes while no other pair of p+/-6k, 0<k<n primes “.

Defining a(n) = A139602(m) such that for any k>m A139602(k) > A139602(m), the first 65 items are listed below:

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