The fate of Dalai Lama and exiled Tibetans

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Posted in categories: Prophet by "Book of Change"

卦象:豫(坤下震上) 变为 兑(兑下兑上)

The symbols: 001 000 -> 011 011



The symbol for current says: Good for establish his throne and/or army and start his campaign.



This is to say, even if the protesting managed by exiled Tibetans has gone out of normal peaceful threshold, it happened in a perfect international environment, in which the rapid development of China has left plenty of suspicions and the economic problems developing in the developed countries are rising significant worries. Their in time action has been proven easily arisen the sympathy of the general public in developed countries. And this has greatly magnified their voice. Although their request sounds simple and not operable, they still convinced many people over the world. They have launched this at the best time.



This event is like thunder shaking the ground. The ancient sages had written elegant musics and sacrifice sumptuous tribute to worship their gods and ancestors with the spirit of the symbol of Yu (001 000).



The first, second, and fifth marks are predicted to change.



The first mark changes from negative to positive. This means that Dalai Lama and the exiled Tibetans will overdo their protests due to exultation. Their sleights will soon run out and reveal their negative side. This is a bad omen to their purpose.



The second mark changes from negative to positive. This means that Dalai Lama can still keep his clear mind, try his best to restrict the trend of radicalness. This makes the future relatively bright.



The fifth mark changes from negative to positive. This means, the current overdone protesting will greatly harm their possibility of making a satisfactory deal with China government. Although you cannot say that they will be hopeless, they will understand that they have almost run out of chips.



This future of Dalai Lama and exiled Tibetans is predicted by the symbol of Dui (011 011).



The symbol Dui means there is water in pond. This is still a good sign.



This is to say, although Dalai Lama and the exiled Tibetans have a very high claim, they nevertheless do not have the reputation and capability to take it. They will finally yield the volition of a strong nation, and the public opinion of Tibet residents. If they choose abandon the request of superior power over current Tibet residents, and settle as equally citizens in Tibet, and respect the laws of China, there will be a happy ending to everyone.



This event is to say, the Tibet issue is expected to be solved by interlocution like a pair of friends. This is the ultimate way to a solution.


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