Google: be good, be evil, or be ugly

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After a few days of rumor that Google would retreat its Chinese searching business because he claimed of participating the Chinese Government regulation of filtering searching result was evil, after Hilary Clinton has unwisely brought a business debate to a level of international relationship between the two major powers of the world, restored all filters as wished by China, and is seeking to stay.

It is hard to say if the decision is good or evil. However, this show off is definitely an ugly trick. It is well known that the business of a web based service is directly proportional to the amount of data flow. In China, due to many issues, has never been able to be competitive with the native search provider This is neither the issue of technique, nor the issue of money or team. This is an issue of human’s laziness. When they are used to Baidu, they just do not want to change, even Google is a little better. I used to be the user of Altavista, until it had been so rotten than Google in technique. However, with the uproar of Google in the past days, nearly all users of Baidu are aware that there is a Google out there, and tried a few. This has significantly triggered the Baidu users out of their laziness, and return Google a fairer chance of being a competitor.

Just like all the “Yellow reporters” and all the “Title party” roaming the internet, Google is using the same strategy to make a foot mark in its China market. It played good, and failed. Now it is playing ugly, and earned the initial eyeballs.


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